

  • Nicola Martinelli Polytechnic University of Bari
  • Mariella Annese Polytechnic University of Bar
  • Giovanna Mangialardi Polytechnic University of Bari




right to study, university-territory, urban regeneration, youth policies, urban accessibility


The Volume introduced by this editorial is the first issue of "URBANA. International Journal of Urban Policies and Studies," an open-access peer-reviewed international journal that aims to publish innovative and original papers on the processes and values of socio-spatial complexity of urban policies and practices. URBANA aims to prioritize reflection on the operationalization of public policies for cities and territories; in this perspective, this Volume is peculiarly keen on the role of Italian university institutions and cities, called to deal in various ways with the new challenges of contemporaneity to enable a faster turn toward sustainability and a more potent synergy between the actors involved.

The first Volume takes up and amplifies the issues discussed in December 2022 during the Conference "LE UNIVERSITÀ PER LE CITTÀ E I TERRITORI. Proposte per l’integrazione tra politiche universitarie e politiche urbane" organized in Bari by urban@it, with the sponsorship of the Puglia Region, ADISU Puglia, RUS, and Polytechnic University of Bari, in collaboration with the ArCoD Department of Polytechnic University of Bari.




How to Cite

Martinelli, N., Annese, M., & Mangialardi, G. (2024). Editorial. Urbana, 1(1), 1–5. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.3034-8544/18964